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Where does e-Motors obtain vehicles from?

We source your local auction houses, local fb ads, craigslist and offer to buy vehicles from private owners. We buy at Manheim, Adesa and many other auctions signing up at new ones constantly depending on the type of inventory you are looking for.

How much does it cost to get a Buyologist?

Your first month is a trial and is half price. We recommend trying on e-Motors for at least 3 months to get results. We will get you cars as soon as we are fully signed up as a rep to your dealership. A Buyologist costs $5000 per month and $200 per vehicle after 25 cars purchased.

Is there a contract?

There is no contract other than a buyer's agreement. 30 day cancellation time only. You can give us an email or written notice. If you enjoy success and marketable vehicles being purchased by a leading buying expert you probably will never cancel!

How many vehicles can e-Motors buy per month?

For your dealership we can buy up to 60 a week or more. Depends on local market conditions and what kind of vehicles we are looking for that you want in inventory.

Is there a minimum purchase guarantee?

We will get you cars. How many will depend on many different factors such as your budget, market conditions and availability to inventory.

How long does it take to get started?

We can get started right away. We will start buying and get you stocked as soon as we get signed up.

Is this a 1099 type contractor?

Yes, 1099 all the way.

What does a day look like for a Buyologist?

Wake up, research one last time all the auction lists, Vins for interested cars and history, values and market prices. Lots of coffee and lots of bidding. One of our Buyologists would be bidding in 7 different auctions at the same time for example on simulcast.

Where do the cars come from that Emotors purchases?

We shop from Manheim nationally, Adesa, Local auctions, lease return sources, Carmax auctions, local private sales and other small auctions.

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